Leggings, Jeggings, Skinny Jeans - I Love
Saturday, September 18, 2010I have wondered if you guys and girls have noticed that leggings are really in-fashion these days. Not sure about you guys though, unless you’re Robin Hood and you love men tights. But Russell Brand did rock the whole look pretty stylish enough for me. I don’t care if the haters think the meggings (male leggings) are too tight and that he's castrating himself subconsciously. That woman oops, man has long slender legs!
On a side note, I’m writing from Windows Live Writer – an application which I recently downloaded, thanks to suggestion of my new creative genius of a friend. Writing is so much fun with this, you have no idea. Try it.
Back to leggings, I just wanted to tell you I have more than 5 pairs, I think. I gotta get new ones because as much as I love them, my posterior end has been tough on them.
I blame skinny jeans for this latest fetish of mine. If you have no absolute idea what I just said, I’d suggest a fashion dictionary. Better, a fashion thesaurus. No wait, way better a fashion make over. Okay last part was just a joke. I know all of you serious fashionistas, almost never go out without the ritualistic application of your best guy/gal-liner right?
As I was saying, skinny jeans made me look at retro looking jeans differently. Now I don’t ever want to wear my old straight-cut, flare-cut, boot-cut, bell-bottom jeans anymore. It's quite drastic don't you think. Somehow the skinny jeans will always win the fashion battle. Somebody get me a new pair this instant!
Just to jolt your sleepy brains, take a look at these two anonymous pair of legs. You can tell the legs are comfortably snug in those two pairs of skinnies!
Okay maybe you’re stil sleepy and you need a strike of lightning. Take a look see now:
She's high in those comfy skinny jeans, can't you see? The legs have telepathically told me they're in heaven!
This model has her upper torso hidden because the satisfaction of wearing the hot sleek skinnies has made her unable to close her mouth and make that expression models are supposed to wear on default. I've taken the enormous effort to crop the upper part so that you might focus all eyes on her legs.
And lastly, the guy's completely lost it but still dies in style, rocking a pair of wet skinny jeans. Rest in peace, dude.
I do know that if you're not even bothered about this topic, then maybe your son or daughter is. Please buy them a pair if they do, and if they don't, they're out of their minds!
If you like this rambling post, I'm pretty positive you'll like these (links below) too and if you are a fan of leggings and skinnies and would like to know more about them, please check this fashion pieces that I've written:
Fashionista NOW: Don't We Just Love Leggings?
Fashionista NOW: When Leggings Turn On You
Fashionista NOW: How To Choose The Perfect Leggings?
Fashionista NOW: Skinny Jeans In Technicolor & Some Fashion Tips
Fashionista NOW: Why Meggings Are Hated With Passion
Image Credit:
eochraEcsi deviantart.com
5:38 AM
fashion rave