A Beautiful Song By Brendan James
Thursday, October 28, 2010I chanced upon this gem of a musician while watching the crime series called Bones. In of the episodes, the soundtrack caught my ear and soul by surprise. The name of the song is "The sun will rise" from the "The day is brave" album. It's one of the most soothing songs I've ever listened to.
After that, I became the stalker of one of the most soulful singers/songwriters ever to walk this planet, Brendan James. Aha, even if I want to stalk the guy, I can't because it is geographically impossible. I'm just the average fan appreciating his good music. I have been listening to most of his "live" performances and have had his songs downloaded on my phone. And I've been hooked!
Anyhoo, the purpose of this short post is to share one of his breathtakingly beautiful songs with you, beautiful people. It's called "All I can see". The video I grabbed from Youtube is below. So..Just relax, let the music and words take you away. And then tell me what you think. I just cannot let this good song go without sharing it with you!
His lyrics are beautiful - they're about a yearning and a realization. If you don't care for lyrics, then you can't really appreciate this song, unfortunately. The music and lyrics are deliciously inspirational.
I want to walk through this doorway,
I want to open my mind,
I want to pledge my allegiance to all I can find.
I want a car that will crash through the barriers,
to a road no one knows.
I want to feel less control,
more abandon, I want to land far from home.
The revolution of the earth around the sun,
is the perfect lesson of how it should be.
So if i cannot learn,
to journey and return,
to never rest till I've seen all I can see...
I want to learn a completely new language,
one I don't understand.
I want to help someone lost, someone helpless,with the strength of my hands.
I want to come to the base of a statue built,
before they counted the years,
and there i'll fall with my face in my hands and cry,
and feel their hope in my tears.
The revolution of the earth around the sun,
is the perfect lesson of how it should be.
So if I cannot learn,
to journey and return,
to never rest till I've seen all I can see...
Train rides and pastures colliding...
colors and customs i've never seen...
I know I, yes I know I,
I know I will stumble,
but time is precious my friends.
Those who journey can easily understand,
the more they see the more they'll learn,
the more that they will be.
So this I swear to you, and this I swear to me,
I'll never rest till I've seen all I can see.
No, I'll never rest till I've seen all i can see.
I want to know where the stength of a person lies,
in their past or their future.
Is it in the way that they hurt or they love themselves
or is it all an illusion?
I want to crawl from this skin that i'm painted in...
Body, please let it give.
I want to find the creator of all good things..
and ask what it means to live..
Wanna know more about Brendan James?
Click here!
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5:52 AM
music and movie blab