How To Induce A State of Creativity Via Daydreaming?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Daydreaming seems easy to do especially by talented daydreamers such us ourselves and aren't we all blessed with this special ability to daydream that writing a step-by-step manual proves to be redundant?
Even when we're supposed to be mentally alert, we zoom off to another realm in our heads and the world seems just a fuzzy and mechanical in the background.
It doesn't take a genius to daydream.
But let's say you're trying to induce a state of creative passivity which occurs as your brains generate theta waves.
Theta waves activity gets kicked in at the right hemisphere of our brains during daydreaming.
Benefits of increasing theta waves include deep levels of relaxation, advanced intuition, peak levels of creativity, advanced problem solving skills, lower anxiety and stress, the ability to learn a new language easier, boost in learning ability, stronger immune system, improved long-term memory, the ability to hyperfocus and replenishing the body and mind. -Riley Quinn
This state of mind wandering usually occurs spontaneously while you're mindlessly up to certain activities such as walking, taking a shower or sitting idly in the garden.
In case you need to induce the state at will, you should know that it's doable via meditation, with or without audio assistance.
Let's start by choosing a quiet spot.
In a quiet location, you'll be able to sit and meditate without someone trying to scream for your attention every two seconds.
It's preferable that you maintain a sitting position instead of lying down because that way you won’t be inclined to fall asleep.
Set a time limit on your watch or your mobile phone so that you don't lose the track of time. If you're new to meditation - let's just start meditation for 5 or 10 minutes at first, gradually increasing the time as you become better at it.
Make sure that you're seated comfortably. You can choose to sit cross legged on a mat on a floor, on a bench or a chair - it doesn't matter. The crucial thing is that you are comfortable so that you don't have to adjust your sitting and risk distract yourself from letting your mind roll away as it daydreams.
Eyes closed, watch your breath as you meditate. By observing the air coming into your body through your nose and escaping out again through your mouth - you'll be less distracted with the thoughts that are breezing by. Let the thoughts come and go as you stay watchful of your breathing.
Don’t worry when a stray thought decides to stay a while longer. Just gently nudge yourself back by observing the air that moves in and out of your lungs.
As you lose yourself in the act of inhaling and exhaling, let a part of your mind roam through the uninhibited land of reverie.
Creative ideas may come when you least expect them to appear.
As mentioned earlier, you can meditate to induce theta waves with the assistance of an audio tune. There are audio waves that you can listen that will calm down your brain activity and stimulate the theta rhythm as you daydream.
Binaural beats, monaural beats and isochronic tones can help stimulate a theta brainwave state during meditation.
Keep in mind though that if you're naturally overemotional or depressed you may already be producing high levels of theta activity and increasing your theta waves is not at all recommended.
Other groups people who naturally produce high amounts of theta brain waves are people with ADD or ADHD, children, people who meditate regularly and extroverts.
If you're an extrovert who find the idea of meditating all-by-your-lonesome without any interaction a turn off, don't be frustrated.
Guess what, you too can experience theta brain waves while in the midst of a bonding activity or in your interaction with other people.
It has been documented that theta brain waves also occur in extroverts when they communicate and during emotional bonding where they allow their emotions to override their conscious mind to become nigh ecstatic.
On an end note, daydreams that last one whole day and extend to the days and nights after obviously aren't making you any creative as it is making you an idle loon.
With that, take care and much love!
Image Credit:
Julie Daydreaming 1894 by Berthe Morisot
Victoria's Meditation Painting: Turquoise Spirit
Painting By Andy Smenos