Hues Of Earth
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
What’s up, folks? Has the weather been utterly dark and mysterious all week there? It has been quite the monsoon over here, but luckily the internet has survived the bashing.
This post was in the queue list and initially, I wanted to re-do the shoot because of creases on my tunic, but oh well, why the heaven not. I sometimes wear wrinkly clothes so let’s just keep it on the real reel.
The tunic top with side slits came together with the Bob Marley Diwali one I got on sales. Out of all the boldly colored and patterned ones available, I snagged this because of its more toned-down appeal. It has brown, mustard and black together in a print that’s sort of geometric. I like the black accents at the neckline, buttons and sleeve.
The place we had this shoot was half-abandoned, so I was compelled to capture spots that were shrouded with rebellious vegetation. The evening sun at the time was pretty high too, blinding my direly parched eyeballs. This was before the monsoon so some magic was still there in the light play – as opposed to now when it gets gloomy and dark by afternoon. There was a house in the middle of the wild greenery, situated in front of the big white museum. A pathway overtaken by nature looked perfectly serene was worth the snap.
As of today, this place is no longer left semi-abandoned as the museum’s management finally decided to have a grass groomer or two clear off the shrub-laden sections.
I suspect I might have spooked the museum security the evening I took snapshots of the wild part of this lonely museum because within days, they had trimmed off the shrubbery. Maybe, they thought I was some journalist starving for drama or more realistically, slithery creatures made their hair-raising appearance. Whatever the case, I look forward to the reconstruction of the old traditional building.
Picture time! Enjoy!
What do you think of this black and brown outfit? Share below!
Here's a quote by Adyashanti to ponder:
When you rest in quietness and your image of yourself fades, and your image of the world fades, and your ideas of others fade, what's left? A brightness, a radiant emptiness that is simply what you are.
6:48 AM
ootd vibe