9 Ways To Instantly Boost Your Happiness Backed By Science

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

9 Ways To Instantly Boost Your Happiness Backed By Science

How to be happy according to science.

Happiness and sadness are two emotions that we all experience. Being happy usually entails being keen to do things with your friends and may even lead to better productivity. On the other hand, being sad, or unhappy, may result in lower productivity, exclusion from friends and even sometimes depression or anxiety.

Being unhappy can also have a tremendous negative impact on your quality of life and make you withdraw from the world around you. When you withdraw from the world, you are more likely to miss out on great moments that you will never get the chance to experience again. Thus, being happy is considered an important aspect of life – or at least being happy as much as possible – as this can help you prevent the development of depression, improve your overall life quality and, in some cases, may even help you move up in life.

Being an unhappy person does not only have an effect on your life and, while it may not directly set back your lifespan, but it could also lead to certain mental health issues that are not good for your overall wellbeing. Apart from the effects unhappiness can have on your mental health and wellbeing, it can also have a negative impact on those around you. In fact, The Atlantic reports that an unhappy person could be toxic for those around them. This is also why many people advise those who want to be successful to surround themselves with others who are happy and successful and are likely to display a positive mood.

Science-Backed Methods For Boosting Your Happiness

Scientific research is incredible. Not only does it hold many opportunities for saving the lives of many people, but it also holds the answer to many questions in life – such as “how can I be a happier person.” In this post, we are going to take a look at different ways that science says you can boost your happiness – sometimes in an instant.

1. Lose Some Weight

Over 68.8% of the American adult population weigh more than they should. About 50% of these people are considered as obese, which is a condition that can have serious impacts on a person’s physical health, but the effects of the condition can also extend to a mental degree. There is a definite link between obesity and depression, thus, if you are obese, there is also a good chance that you are experiencing symptoms that are related to depression – which is a mental disorder that can cause unhappiness. To avoid this, try to lose some weight to reach a weight that will make you feel better about yourself.

2. Improve Your Sleep Quality

While sleep plays a significant role in the body’s physical wellness, it also has a direct effect on your mental health. During sleep, your brain processes the memories you made during the day. Many other biological functions occur when you sleep. When you suffer from a lack of sleep or your sleep quality is poor, you may even experience anxiety and some symptoms of depression. When this occurs, you may feel unhappy.

3. Participate In Outdoor Activities

Being indoor all day long can be nice on a stormy and cold day – sipping a cup of hot cacao and catching up on your favorite series. When the sun is out, though, you should try to spend some time on the outside. Staying inside all day can make you unhappy and even lead to symptoms of depression. A study published on lse.ac.uk also confirms that sun exposure and spending time at the beach can make you happier.

4. Physical Exercise

Physical exercise, including cardio and strength training protocols, is an excellent way to improve your health and to get into shape. It could help you lose weight (if you needed to) and it could give you a better, more tones physique. Apart from these factors, physical exercise also releases dopamine in your brain, which can make you happier.

5. Help Others Out

Helping other people can be a great way to boost your mood. This is not just a tip that is given out, but it is a scientifically proven method that people are benefiting from. A study published on SSRN.com looked at how volunteer work affected the mental mood and happiness of participants and found that those who helped others were significantly happier than those who did not help others.

6. Catch Up With Friends And Family

Some people are too busy for their family and others simply withdraw themselves from their group of friends. This can lead to unhappiness – remember that, even though that new position may be paying you a lot of money, money cannot physically buy happiness. Spending time with friends and family – even just catching up with them now and then – can help you be happier in life. Remember that there is a link between happiness and brain health – being unhappy all the time can lead to depressive symptoms, which could impact your brain health.

7. Spend Less Time On Your Smartphone

Technology makes our lives much easier. That is a known fact. Emails, phone calls, organizers, calendars and even games to keep us busy when we are bored. Unfortunately, it seems like your smartphone may also make you less happy. Tech Times report that a recent study asked over 300 College students to complete a survey where they studied the connection between smartphone use and happiness. They found that students who use the internet and their smartphone more were more likely to be depressed, experience symptoms of anxiety and be less happy than those who used these tools less.

8. Try Meditation

Many people think that meditation isn’t for them and just refuse to practice this technique, but they fail to realize that meditation is an excellent way for them to connect with their inner selves. EOC Institute reports that meditation allows a person to be aware of their emotions while being in a space of vast understanding. The technique helps the perfect gain a clear perspective on their past and current situation. They also report that, by practicing the art of meditation, a person may also feel happier in life.

9. Love

Love yourself, love those around you and love the universe. Love is all around you and may be the ultimate answer to happiness – at least according to a 75-year study that was conducted by Harvard University. The study is called the “Harvard Grant Study,” and they concluded that among all emotions and elements that affect’s a person’s happiness, love plays the biggest role.


Being happy can help you be more productive, it can make you think better, and it may even help you fight against the symptoms of depression. Happy people are also easier to be around as unhappy people can often dampen the mood in the room. The techniques we’ve shared here today are all backed by scientific evidence, so the next time you feel unhappy, simply try out one (or more) of these strategies.






Author Bio:

Sophie Addison is an enthusiast blogger and writer. She is very passionate about writing general health and fitness. She has posted articles on skincare problems, joint pain treatment, weight loss and woman’s health. Apart from work she likes gardening and listening to music. Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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