Arms Of Life
Saturday, August 11, 2018
The time YOU get to read a new poetry!
Hello friends. It's a sunny Saturday here in tropical Malaysia and I'm using a long tooth comb to ease the itch from my scalp while teasing the mane somewhat as I'm ready to embrace the day with a head full of voluminized wild natural curls.
But first, let me lace my stomach with some fragrant rice mixed with some tofu and tempeh stir-fried in garlic and curry spices. Be right back.
I'm back delightfully nourished and mentally picturing a hot cup of coffee, imagining its divine scent filling up the airspace in my nostrils. No sugar.
As I dusted off the digital corners where my poems lay to rest, it's time to share another one! Here it is. It's titled "Arms" and you can read it starting now:
Poem Title: Arms
Deep in the night,
I drop into her tranquil arms,
lost in a swathe blankets of dreams..
and interpretations of the dream imprints
In a space between the two,
Something remains
eternally ungrazed,
and when I awake,
a nurturing energy wraps
all around like a cloud
and within me,
a centering strength,
A day of appreciation
quietly dawns again,
every single day..
That's it for today. I hope you find something in these words. As always, do share your thoughts as I love reading them and perhaps, learn a few things from you! Thank you for spending your time in this corner of the Internet. Till then, earthlings.
4:34 PM
poetry session