Retro Summer Casual
Sunday, June 30, 2019
The time I wore two separate pieces of clothing and fooled you into thinking it was a dress!
Hiya peeps! What's baking in your kitchen?
My computer is updating some stuff and I'm just saying hi. Hi. As someone who writes for fun and for some really serious business, I must say that it can be super easy to get stuck on words instead of just letting life seep into my pores and leave it at that.
In the evenings, before I go to catch some wind in my hair and sunshine in my skin, I take some time to chill with my cats, birds and some sweet doggies from the neighborhood while actually getting both wind and Vitamin D as I'm practically outside. Duh. After doing some kind of cleaning, and perhaps tackling the ever accumulating laundry, I find myself pondering about the sense in rearranging dust.
If the broom looks particularly inviting and the dried rustic brown leaves aren't sweeping themselves, I begin the therapeutic activity of rearranging dried leaves at the front porch. What about the back yard? Well, I do that too, when I'm not hurried by something else. I don't know why but I can get into the zone sweeping dried leaves this way. But of course, the weather must just be rightly suited for sweeping -- tenderly windy with a dose of mild sun rays that are soothing as opposed to barbecuing me alive.
I've yet to sweep in the rain before although that is indeed the best time to clean the drains outside according to some past childhood memories of some adult telling me so. I have memories of placing paper boats into the drain and see them go off swiftly away following the water currents but this was the stuff the 80s and 90s kids might do for fun and games while it poured and grandmas deserved some peace.
On to the outfit that I wore on one delightful evening:
An ancient V-neck dotted top (small dots over khaki green) with an embellished center piece and a black circle skirt with a pair of my old favorite casual footwear. Everything was breezy, light and summer-friendly. I wonder if it was too boring but then again, I love wearing comfy bland clothing whenever the mood comes! And this one was definitely it.
So folks, what do you think of my casual summer outfit? I call it retro because as a pre-pubescent kid I used to wear dresses of this sort before it became clear to me in high school that everyone wore jeans. And I didn't have a pair! #LOL. I mean technically, I did have non-denim pants. They were the cargo utility variety or some holiday patterned ones. Still, this made me laugh. I swear, I wasn't trying to purposely rebel against the norm.
On that note, here's a quote by Ram Dass to end this entry:
"We're all just walking each other home."
1:20 AM
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