I wear a ditsy floral sleeveless shirt with blue jeans
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
The time I keep it casual in blue jeans and a sleeveless shirt.
Hi beings with all kinds of dressing strategies, I'm back with another outfit post.It's how I do casual in blue jeans with a touch of chic.
I always opt for a sleeveless top and now when occasions arise that I might need to have some form of sleeves for more covered look, it dawns on me that I have more sleeveless tops than ones with sleeves. If they have sleeves of the long variety there are basically sweaters and nobody wears sweaters casually here in tropical Malaysia unless you have an intrinsically cold body temp. I like keeping my baseline temperature as close to the natural environment so I'm always warm. I never bothered to repair the aircon in my room and the last it was working was in 2016. I'd like to think I'm taking it one for mama earth. Plus, I really am tropical in body and spirit. If I am a ghost, I'd make sure to be haunting people in the valley instead of top of hills. Coastlines during non-tsunami times.
Elsewhere, somewhere in Europe, I hear Christmas is cancelled. Officially. I hope everyone will turn off the news, turn on some sense and sow good cheer where you are in your own real lives despite the announcement. I hear India's doing alright despite NOT following every single thing other countries are doing. That's amazing. I hear Malaysia (where I am) is awaiting for the arrival of the 4th wave and at this point, it's been a copy-and-paste of what's been happening everywhere else with signposts moving along whenever, wherever.
I have always wondered why the borders are continuously opened when a solo barber running her shop with very controlled flow of customers coming to pop by for a hair trim must close her shop and call it a day. The world's been nuts of late. The only nuts I have been into are peanuts, sunflower seeds and green peas and cashews. Lentils, too. Are lentils nuts? Upon googling, I found that cashews and lentils are considered legumes. I don't think I know how to pronounce that.
Well now that I've got all that out of the way, here are pictures.
But first, some flowers from my mom's garden:
A close-up for a burst of wonderful energy:
Aiden and Chippy showing some love as I stand around:
My wavy hair amongst the greens. Hoping for some water apples and papayas if they're up for fruiting. The chillies have been quite delicious.
Small blooms on the collared and sleeveless shirt. I like the earthy neutral vibe.
Okra babies looking fine:
Oh look! Cat taking a bath and sunbathing:
Aiden has a thing with doors. He would prefer for them to open from his prolonged stare.
The state of my hair after attending YouTube hairdressing school. Not bad.
Thank goodness for natural waves in my hair. Thank my parents for being naturally curly. Now I can cut my own hair with utter confidence the waves will make them look semi-professional.
That's all folks. I hope you're well. Drink a hot beverage if it's cold. Drink a cold drink if it's hot. Room temp beverages are okay too. Drink plenty if it's very hot. Cut the sugar out. You'll feel better!
Take good care.