Cookie Review: The Best Fresh Cookies from Seremban Town
Saturday, December 4, 2021
The time I obsessed about cookies and shared them with you.
When I first held you and detected your aroma floating into my nostrils, I opened my mouth and fell in love at first taste.
Hi folks. I was talking about cookies. Still am. Not those cookies on your screen nobody asked for when visiting a new page. These are delightful and for a good ol' jolly gobblin sesh.
I am not opposed to having cookies. In fact, I embraced cookies.
I ate cookies of all kinds. From the crispy thin ones that dangerously disappear with every bite to the hard bland ones made for a baseline carb for dipping into sauces. Oh wait, are those crackers? I love butter cookies. But nothing came close to these particular cookies that came as a surprise from my sister baked by one of her lovely childhood friends.
Upon eating them, I truly was aware of the distinct feeling that one was high on gastronomic cloud nine. I did not for the life of me expected cookies to taste this mighty delish.
It's NYC inspired cookies called The Breakfast Cookies. It's not thin. It's pretty huge. It's not hard. It's pretty fluffy, crumbly and full of goodness. No additives as them cookies are baked fresh for you to finish in three days. I kept them refrigerated because I devoured them with feeling.
Check this shot clip out to see me gobbling.
Mmmmm. I miss these cookies. Urghhh.
So anyway, here's my review of the cookies. I've tasted three varieties that are available and I must say all of them are very delicious. My top favorite would the double choc chip. Second: Walnut choc chip. Third: Raisin (not pictured because I finished them, sorry.)
Ladies, gents & otherly gendered, cookies can really set the tone to your day. I didn't have these immediately upon waking up as I ate them after dinner. They are energizing so you definitely can eat them for breakfast. They are, after all, called the breakfast cookies.
But don't let that stop you from eating whenever and wherever. By the porch, out in the green and even in the hallway as long as it fits your fancy. If you bring these round and fluffy pieces of goodness to the office, expect them to disappear into thin air and if you're too slow to reach out for one, cry silently and order the next batch. Better be safe by hiding them in the corner of your cookie closet in your home. Assess for presence of other cookie monsters and reevaluate.
If you love a crumbly buttery cookie that is clean and luxurious, these cookies tick all those boxes and more. They are made without additives. Fresh as can be. Yummy to the core. The double choc ooze choc in each pore. The nutty one is perfect if you want a mixture of nut and choc together. The raisin one is for raisin peeps. But hey, the raisin ones surprised me and I thought they were really yum. The dough is perfection so everything just comes together in perfect harmony.
Now that I have gotten my cookie obsession out of the way, I would love for you to check them out if you are in town or from around town. They make them fresh on weekends!
In conclusion, I love these cookies so much so they are the only cookies I think about when I think about cookies. Teheee.
Enough about me: Please tell me about your fav cookies in the comment space below. Take precious care. Stay healthy. Wash your oily hair! See you in the next post.
Kindly visit TheBreakfastCookie to inhale the cookies virtually, learn more and if you're ready, bother the baker with your cookie orders.