Colorblocking in green and red and the lentils are happily soaking
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
The time I got into a color-blocking mood with green and red.
Just a while ago, I sat with my cat Tidus out in the porch. Petted him gently(the only way he liked) after he ate his dinner. The dusk here was sweetly windy, the sky full of intertwined colors. The wind chimes danced in the wind, a rhythm came to be. Birds had gone home to rest. For some of us, the day(night) was just taking off. The sky had turned into a mellow blue. Some signs of the sun lingered on while the breeze kept rustling the leaves of willing trees.As I enjoyed my walk today, I picked up the sight of a basking monitor lizard by a concrete's edge and thought: how beautiful and kept my eyes to the ground in front of me so it could continue basking in delight. This was a very sensitive creature. They all were. I continued my whimsical trot around the town's park and thanked the Universe for such a lovely weather.
I thought about what to write tonight. I thought about plopping myself at the coffee spot that just recently launched next by the lake but I thought more and forgot about what I was thinking about. The breeze took over. The scents lifted me away to some other place. My legs felt lighter with every step I could almost be levitating and gliding.
Tonight, I will cook my favorite lentil noodles. It's very simple. Very delicious. Appreciated much by my very sensitive stomach. I had two painful migraines for these two months and the last was a few days back. I am getting back on the healthy good food train of which I am the main chef to my cooking. I get excited with food sometimes and then have to experience the excitement in the form of a post-odd-meal suffering. Too much heatiness, too much of this of that. Horrible migraine fuel.
Now: I am detangling knots in my hair. I thought about shampooing it tonight but it looks good still and my scalp is yet to step into disgusting territory.
I shall do a trim of the split ends, maybe. The stale fragrant from my body signals for a quick shower. Cooking shall commence after that. The lentils are happily soaking.
About the outfit: I wore a forest green tank top tucked into the burgundy red knit skirt. Accessorized with a pair of Xmas tree charm earrings, some gaudy boho rings, a lace trim necklace and my usual coconut shell bangle. Slipped my feet into a pair of pink birkie style sandals. Oh and the bangs; those are faux bangs clipped up into the edge of my front hairline.
That is all from me today! See you in the next one.
Hope you're keeping yourself in a pink of health and doing things that make your heart beam with joy.