Can I have a long black...batik, please?
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
The time it's a, oh I don't know, a long black batik print skirt time.
Hi fellow earth dwellers, what's up?Today's post features a long black batik with a sprinkling of tangerine blooms.
I was attempting to be humorous with the title actually. My mom drinks her coffee, the long black style. I'm your typical café latte drinker with a lot of love for hazelnut latte. Coffee aside, have you had yours? Are you a self-confessed addict? I drink coffee by a set dose and stick to it. I'm usually quite energetic and partial to getting the jitters and talking endless nonsense when the caffeine limit has been breached. I know when that happens, sleeping will be spared. I don't like operating like that because at my age, it's not cute. Good sleep sets the tone to looking fresh unless that's no a possibility, then a stale cookie, I shall be!
Anywhere, I busied myself reading labels on interesting-looking potions at the pharmacy this evening. I think I have too much affinity for standing around the shelves peeking at every little thing that I have to check that I've not spent too long staring away with conversational thoughts in my head. So many things to uncover, such a world of variety! What are in all these pretty bottles. What? They're on sale? Sheesh, but I have only coins in my coin purse. And this isn't important but wait, let me read that label. Looks like it could be made for my sensitive skin. On an on, it goes. Have you felt like you could spend the day at the pharmacy? I think I should be hired by a pharmacy. I'd do anything, even sales.
Blabber aside, did you know that I have a cluster of surfacing pimples on my right cheek? Of course, you didn't. I blame it on the outrageous past feasting aided by family members but could it be that it's the darn face diaper! I think so. I really can't wait to be done with it. Oh please, I just cannot.
Back to the purpose of this post: batik skirt. This long batik skirt comes with a long tunic top that is in the same style. It's part of the kurung combo but I decided to spice it up by wearing the long skirt with a loose batwing cream shirt. I don't usually wear long skirts so this is a rare one for lounging about for about 7 minutes to take snaps for this post. Hee Hee. Oh and by the way, this set was supposed to be my sister's but she's petite and would look totally engulfed. Since I'm the giant size, I could wear this alright. It secures with at the waist with a hook and clasp. I'm not sure what's that called. At least it helps a lot so I am spared from attempting to knot the waist. We all know how strong my knots are. kNOT. #lol
That's all peeps, Nothing much to see here. Oh wait, I did accessorize with a pink Indian jhumka earring and wore my hair down. These pictures were taken during the first year of the contagion.
Till the next one, remember to wash your hair if it's time, feed your pets and kids, water your plants, rearrange dusts and have a laugh whenever you're done with serious business.
Take precious care :)