Meander Series #19 Poetry: Thank you for pillows
Sunday, August 14, 2022
The time when meandering with me continues!
Today's a whimsical one folks.
A poem of thank yous created a while back polished with a few new lines.
Thank you for friends we've made
Thank you for good health
Thank you for the roof over our heads
Thank you for pets and animals,
Creatures and spirits that
enrich our lives
Thank you for the magic
of electricity
Thank you for the gift
of connectivity
Thank you for the
wondrous green spaces
Luscious mountains
The warmth
in strangers' faces
Thank you for friends we have
yet to make
Thank you for those
that love us from afar
Thank you for friends
in the distance
whose hearts
we are bonded with
Thank you for the stormy weather
Thank you for the heavenly
skyline the day after
Thank you for our neighbors
Thank you for our neighborhood
cats, mongoose, monkeys, lizards
birds, frogs and dogs
Thank you for the angels
and guides,
Thank you for an
unanticipated delight
Thank you for fluttering
Thank you for flickering
lights in the night,
Thank you for bulbs
Thank you for the stove
to cook our favorite grub
Thank you for the oven
to assist in earring baking
Thank you for smiles
Thank you for frowns
Thank you for healthy teeth
Thank you for strong legs
Thank you for frizzy hair days
Thank you for shiny waves
Thank you for roads
Thank your for trimmed trees
Thank you for wild bushes
Thank you for a cleared path
Thank you for pillows
Thank you for a firm bed
Thank you for pastas
Thank you for the scent of
wild flowers
Thank you for incense
imbuing the air with
inexplicable tranquility
Thank you for beliefs
Thank you for the ability to discern
Thank you for the breeze
Thank you for silence
Thank you for dreams
Thank you for nightmares
Thank you for blooming flowers
Thank you for dead bouquets
Thank you for singing birds
Thank you for croaking frogs
Thank you for barking dogs
Thank you for meowing cats
Thank you for big trees
Thank you for small ones
Thank you for vegetables
Thank you for fruits
Thank you for rabbits,
Roosters and hens
Thank you for a sweet breeze
on a crazy hot day
Thank you for thundering skies
And toasty nights
Thank you for silliness
Thank you for insights
Thank you for silence
That need no filling up
Thank you for the familiar noises
Of those we love
The rest of the Meander Series List:
Meander Series #4 Birds Are Singing
Meander Series #5 Near The Blue
Meander Series #6 Two Beads Per Earring
Meander Series #7 Do-Happening
Meander Series #9 Rest The Quest
Meander Series #10 Water Beasts
Meander Series #11 Impermanent Vessels
Meander Series #12 Light Touches
Meander Series #13 Hidden Moon
Meander Series #15 Pre 2.0 Lockdown Tea Time Aunty
Meander Series #17 Disappearing Puzzle Piece
Meander Series #18 Mall Reflections
Big thanks for meandering with me!
Picture credit: Suzy Hazelwood