Dark blue striped buttoned down outfit + that nice feeling during a walk
Friday, October 28, 2022
The time I styled an old striped shirt casually to match the angel cat, Aiden's striped tail.
Folks, hello! How are you? I'm back today with another old outfit post. It's casual with a touch of chic (at least in my head).There's this particular feeling when I take a walk in a nice suburb that is quite distinctive than walking the familiar paths. The place is unfamiliar yet the serenity absolutely transcendental. It has to do with how the town is kept and the way the people that live there are, I suppose. Nobody's blasting loud music(yet), and it's guarded in most enclaves. The roads are huge and the place is developed with a green-appreciating mindset. It helps that the surrounding hills make the location even more soothing. I have no idea where I'm getting at but basically, I love walking these new terrains.
Today's outfit is made up of stripes of dark blue and black leggings. The top is from ages ago and I stumbled upon it in the tangled mess of the closet that I have been endlessly looking to declutter. For now I am still currently looking to declutter and have yet to make a move to actually declutter. This journey of mine involves the act of opening the closet door and getting a surprise at the state of terror in the form of unstable towers of haphazardly folded clothing about to spill out daily and yet, no decluttering is occurring.
That being said, I just had an energizing dose of caffeine and feeling blessed yet agitated (because it's that sacred time of the month). I'm going to go for a brisk walk. I just need to get up from this chair and go. I feel quite delightfully dazed at the moment. The chair and I are rather bonded and the temperature and noise levels hit an intoxicatingly sweet balance. Let me stare into spaces for a moment. Let me go now before some kid enters the scene and starts wailing.
For a while now, I've been yearning to describe the feeling of taking a walk in a different side of town. There has to be a term to describe it though I'm not so sure. It feels good in a way that whilst I am utterly foreign to the area, the greenery pulls me in a familiar sort of way. It's a nicer part of a new township so these spaces have a certain serene appeal with lots of spaces and greenery. When I walk here, a lightness takes over me and I get engulfed in a refreshing daydreaming in between vivid awareness of the present.
Well, I can hear through the earholes the sounds of a crow bird talking. Let me let these legs do the walking.
That was a fun walk... Quiet and refreshing. A dog is having a fun time running around marking trees and sniffing bushes while taking his human on a breezy day walk. I'm going to find the loo.
Details about the striped shirt. It has collars, a mixture of thin and thick stripes lost vertical and strategically horizontal at the top back. Sleeves are three quarter and cuffed with a button to secure. Length of shirt is of a high low style with front hem shorter than the back. Shoes are black walking slip easy. Leggings are soft in comfy black. Cat is cutie patootie, Aiden. He has striped tail so we are twinning!
How sweet is the kitty angel! Can you see his striped tail. He was feeling quite happy :)
Anyway, that's all for now folks. I hope you have been well and if not, on a journey to wellness. Every phase matters. Keep on keeping on!
Till the next one, stay free, move the body, eat healthy, breathe in the sweet breeze out in the green.