Thinking about places + outfit for early summer dinner
Saturday, January 28, 2023
The time I thought about places (like places of worship, education, living, working, eating etc.) and wore a patterned midi skirt for an early dinner.
Sometimes, a place appears incomplete and stays that way for a bit until it's all demolished. Traces of what was before a lingering shadow of faded memories. I ponder about things like this sometimes. A place that once was that's no longer there. I moved a lot growing up and this inclination to thinking about how places were (and are evolving) stems from a naïve childhood longing to remain forever together with friends and loved ones all in the same place but life has a way of dispersing us all. And when I did eventually return to the place I held tender memories of, a spot where we used to laugh, worry and banter, the present me would notice the distinct difference.The place, the location where it all took place was just context, a physical container that held close those conversations together in a time that now only exists in my mind. Every place was once a space of great meaning to someone, somewhere. Kind of like this spot when these pictures were taken.
About the outfit, it's made up of a grey cotton top with sleeves chopped up by myself, a mid printed flared skirt with a contrasting black waist band, summer jelly sandals, stretchable grocery bag and an old necklace with a shoe pendant. I was still wearing my coconut shell bangles here. They are now resting on one functional arm of an old Barbie doll.
Standing by a wall with a mural art of a lady selling fresh produce by the road side.
There's a particular happiness when it's tropical sandal weather. Your toes are out and it's all toasty and breezy outside you can't help but to be giddy.
Hope you are all doing good this January. What do you think when you think of places that hold some lovely meaning to you? Share below!