What I wear when I am feeling like a soft blue sky

Thursday, October 19, 2023

What I wear when I am feeling like a soft blue sky

The time I felt light blue like the open skies and wear something that captures the feeling.

Hello peeps! How are you? It's me over hear in hot and cold tropical Malaysia. What have you been up to there? 

Me? Oh....

I've just been listening to Jiddu Krishnamurti these days and finding realness in his words. YT started to recommend videos from the Indian philosopher and orator and I have been pretty hooked. On a random note, I'm very pleased to report that Aiden, our senior cat is napping (and snoring) after his meal and bath. He's a cute senior cat. We love him to bits. The weather today's inspiring me rest the head on a pillow but I'm going to sit on the chair instead and plot for some simple yet hearty vegetable soup. It's a soup weather, what can I say. What kind of soups are you into? Feel free to share. I'd love to know.

So this casual outfit is just the simplest, ever. I like that it's almost blue, except for the sliders. For lounging about the yard with the cat, it's nice to put on a cute outfit like this. It was hot but not too, too hot so the chambray buttoned shirt felt okay as a top for this look. The denim skirt is heavier in terms of fabric character and it's a lovely vintage find from the thrift store! I really love the structure of the skirt. It holds its shape nicely and the center buttons and tiny front pockets are a vibe.

And... these are the gorgeous dangling earrings made by my mom! How pretty are they? The macramé knot pine tree earrings are something of a very eye-catching piece to wear to frame one's face regardless of seasons. They make you smile and when you forget they're there, well, you will find out that, other people who get a bit of a thrill seeing something unexpected around the perimeter of a face, get quite happy too.

Thanks for stopping by folks! I hope you're well and I shall see you in the next one :)

shanaz@RS | 12:39 AM | Labels:

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