Has the modern library become noise-inclusive?

Friday, July 19, 2024

Has the modern library become a noise inclusive area?

The time I think libraries ought to be quiet sanctuaries and unfortunately find out that the one nearest for a regular visit is in actuality far from the cocoon it seemed to be in my nostalgic past. 

Confession: The old library in town needs to reassess its level of quiet because it's not giving the old quiet vibe I grew up with. This year had me stepping into the concrete cave of knowledge and I'm miffed to notice that it's unnecessary filled with all sorts of noises but could it be that my ears have developed extra sensitivity from being mostly away from the usual noise of the public? I think both can be true at the same time.

I've always thought libraries to be a perfect sanctuary of quietness but no longer that is the case with my old town's one. It's more like a a place of a some type of low-level noise with a lot of distraction depending on where one chooses to allocate oneself. 

Today, at my local library, the most quietest nooks designed for hardcore introverts had been taken up by other library folks so I found myself at the more extroverted seating environment that had a comfy sofa. I read a page and was about to do a selfie until I started to get distracted by every little sound. From the papers being loudly rustled by an enthused reader to an acute raspy sound escaping from a throat of a man engulfed by newspaper; the seating position I found myself in was just splendid for quietly judging other people's inability to be completely quiet. 

One of the books I had the pleasure of reading. A small book that packs a whole punch of wisdom!

One young lad with bouncy curls strolled in with his shoes slamming the ground like he was making a grand runaway entrance. Another is sprawled on her bean bag loudly fighting with her stationery, eyes fixed to the screen of her laptop. Some can be seen to be brazenly asleep...on and around the darn bean bags! 

At this point, I hadn't yet ventured up to the second floor but that would be high on the list because it is extremely vital to find the quietest region for me relax into a deep trance reading mode. There was a corner for kids and I was there for a bit when I first came in and happy to see there were plenty of quiet tent-like structure for the little ones whose need for solitude was high. 

So very hauntingly written and is a highly recommended read.

Once I got myself to the book section that I'm usually into, I made it a point to just roam fanatically within the same area but I made a note in my head that I was going to spruce it up by embarking up the escalator to a hopefully properly silenced section om my next visit. 

In my ancient head, I remember libraries to be deathly still aside from a delightful rustling of pages and that is the kind of silence I get very thrilled about. The silence that folds back into itself that one can be absorbed into the silence itself. I miss that. Optimistically, I hope to find a divinely silent space on the second floor although I'm certainly not holding my breath. I shall remind myself to lower my expectation to the lowest point possible.

A book filled with inspirational wise words from a young writer that comes with gorgeous illustrations!

I'm still super grateful to have free physical books to borrow and read. And more importantly, the library itself is still open, considering the weird times we're living in. So, thank you, old town's library. Even though you're a mix bag of noises, I will still let my presence be felt through the dusty shelves of books until the end of time.

In the meantime, I will find a spot in nature and make it my outdoor reading area...

Till the next one, here's a tree...

Till the next one, here's a tree...

Do you visit your local library? What do you like about visiting a library? What puts you off? Tell me everything, if you're up for it. The comment box down below is open!

shanaz@RS | 12:57 AM | Labels:

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